Need An Injury Attorney Arkansas – Truck Accident
Truck accidents are some of the most devastating on the road. The massive size of a semi, a big rig, and 18-wheeler, all packed with a cargo load that can weigh over 80,000 pounds can cause an entire highway to shut down in both directions. Over 4,000 fatalities a year occur in the United States due to truck accidents. For the victims who survive, they may face a host of disabilities including lost limbs, spinal fractures, and brain damage that could persist throughout their lives making employment and daily tasks much more difficult to accomplish. Attempting to seek compensation is not an easy task for the individual. It is not only particularly hard for a victim who is suffering from severe injuries but truck accidents are much more complicated than usual car accident claims of the truck companies and their insurers will have a team of lawyers to refute the claim.
Truck drivers are not hired simply because they can drive. They are selected based on safety regulations and have constant monitoring to ensure they are the safest drivers on the road. All professional truck drivers must have a commercial driver’s license specific to the size of the truck they operate. They must undergo mandatory drug testing. The amount of driving they can do is limited and their rest periods are closely regulated. Because of these reasons, the truck companies assume the fault of the accident could not fall on the responsibility of their drivers. This is often erroneous and regulations can be broken. Proving this is a different matter. You need an experienced personal injury attorney who knows how to resolve these claims.
When you bring your claim to the attorneys of, we will handle the legal end of the situation. We want to spend your time healing and recovering from the accident. We will file the necessary paperwork and communicate with these companies on your behalf. Sometimes all it takes for the truck companies and their insurers to make the proper restitution is to receive a letter from an attorney on their letterhead. They do not want to risk litigation in the courts. We will compile a case of evidence that they will not be able to ignore. This will mean reviewing the police and medical reports as well as the damage to the vehicles. We can employ the expertise of an accident reconstructionist if necessary. Holding these large negligent companies responsible is the best method for getting them to realize that cutting corners is not appropriate when lives are at stake.
If you have been injured in a truck accident in Arkansas and are ready to seek compensation then contact the people of at the number below. Our professional and compassionate staff will get you in contact with a skilled attorney right away who can assess your claim and let you know what the next steps should be to receiving the compensation you are entitled to under the extent of the law. The consultation is free and we work on a pay only if you win basis.